Rob's daugter Lisa holding Jelle
Rob's daugters Lisa and Marit,
with Jelle in the middle
Rob's daughter Marit
holding Jelle
Tony and Jelle
Tony and Jelle
Rob and Jelle
Tony and Jelle
Rob, Jelle and Marit
Rob's daugter Lisa, and Jelle
Rob, Jelle and Rob's daugter Lisa
Tanya and Jelle
Jelle and Marit
Jelle and Kyra
Stuart, Jean and Jelle
Jelle and Stuart Carnaval
Jelle and Kyra

Kyra, Liria and Jelle

Kyra, Liria, Tanya, Jelle, Rob
Jelle, Lisa, Marit
Henk, Jelle, Marie-Thérèse
Tanya and Jelle
Tanya and Jelle
Uncle Jelle and Liv
(his stepsister's daugter)